Wednesday, May 12, 2021

A friend lost in time?

Just a little over 30 years ago, a gloomy end was met for one of the greatest vocalists of all time. Per Yngve Ohlin, a beautiful blonde hair Swedish man. He was briefly the vocalist for Mayhem and had a separate band Morbid before. I looked up to you in high school. I felt your pain, I saw your troubles, and heard the screams of everything you felt within embodied by your music.

You felt as if you didn't belong here, you weren't a human, nobody truly understood you. You thought you'd be forgotten in time, just another name engraved on stone; but you weren't. I still remember you, and think about you. For you, Pelle, have captivated me as we share a mutual suffering. You have left an impact on my life, one that shaped who I am.

I feel deeply sorry for you but I know that you are free now. You no longer have to suffer, you are no longer trapped by human flesh. I hope that, whatever happens when we die, be it a burning hell or nothing at all, you are finally at peace. You will never be forgotten Pelle <3

A friend lost in time?

Just a little over 30 years ago, a gloomy end was met for one of the greatest vocalists of all time. Per Yngve Ohlin, a beautiful blonde hai...